2008年1月27日 星期日

兩個 Flash 週邊軟體消息: Zinc 和 Swift 3D

Zinc 3.0: Zinc 3.0 GUI Exclusive

Preview Swift 3D V5 --> new Papervision3D export

2008年1月23日 星期三

Flash Player 10 (Astro) Sneak Peek at MAX Chicago 2007

Today, Adobe gave a sneak peek into Flash Player 10 and showed off the new RTL, multi-column text engine, the new 3D features, and the new bitmap effect scripting language, Hydra.

Use Script to control Tweening Motion

Not only click button do tweening motion. You may try to use "ActionScript to do" . It is more flexiable to control "movieClip" SPEED. Hope to enjoy my video.

enter_btn.onRelease = function(){ easex(ball_mc, 400, 90); };

function easex(mc, targetX, targetY){ mc.onEnterFrame = function(){ var distanceX:Number = targetX - this._x; var distanceY:Number = targetY - this._y; this._x = this._x + distanceX / 5; this._y = this._y + distanceY / 5; };

2008年1月20日 星期日

Good books to learn Flash

Here is my recommendation Let's learn Flash easily!

For Beginner
( 難度 像要 供 90 萬房屋 , EASY)

For Advanced User
( 難度 像要 供 400 萬房屋,但比心機過到會 一帆風順 )

2008年1月10日 星期四

Stop & Play Button

Play & Stop Button

This is simple btn to do stop and play in Flash. Enjoy it. * how to add sound in btn? will demo it later :)

ActionScipt :
stopbtn.onRelease=function(){ _root.gotoAndStop(2);}
playbtn.onRelease=function(){ _root.gotoAndStop(1);

FREE download sourceCode : http://swfsolution.googlepages.com/stopandstartBTN.fla

2008年1月3日 星期四

Flash Search Engine

自製有型 Search 引擎 ! (Create your own Search Engine in Flash )
可能網友見過此search 功能,但幾實用又簡單。 所以錄製下來給我的朋友。 有興趣歡迎瀏覽 ~

Demo: http://swfsolution.googlepages.com/searchengine.html

Sourcecode : http://swfsolution.googlepages.com/searchengine.fla

ActionScript: on (release) { getURL("http://www.google.com/search", "_blank", "GET");}